First things first is the ultimate goal when it comes to profitability.

Successful companies make significant profit from their capability to prioritize their activities, which will serve profitability. Shopfloor is a very busy place.
While making money, machines make noise, so visualisation and alarming system are the key for staying organized.
Problems we solve with TopVisual:
After providing us factory layout, we set up layout view for client in factory cockpit. In case that client doesn’t have layout, we will take care about it and scan shop floor organization. This is important, because the most important information about efficiency could be checked with a blink of an eye, saving significant time for reaction and time for collecting status information.
Our key users are mid level managers, forworkers, operators, who move around shop floor. Sometimes they can miss information from andons or computer screens. That is why we developed mobile view for them, so they can spot deviations in real time and react fast.
Most competitors will argue they are the best in collecting data, which is of course essential for solution, but few will argue they carefully select what they present to users. We belive that throwing data on a client is waste of clients investment in project. That is why we belalive that careful selection of data and even more important, careful design of visuals for clients is the way to go. Keep important things in perspective and help clients discover important from unimportant.
Our clients achieve
Without modern, digital solution for planning, production process is not fully optimized. The system automatically calculates and adjusts production times, machine occupancy and predicts execution times with its sophisticated AI built in solution.